Recently, there has been an emergence in online dating. Many sites for dating via the Internet claim to be easy and safe - matching you with only those most compatible to you. It really makes you wonder.. what DID people do before the Internet? I know that my friends and I tend to make plans either over Facebook or text messaging. So, if all technology was to be lost for a day, what would we do? It seems to me we would be all alone.
Our activities online are what keep us going. Be it applying for jobs, communicating with coworkers, doing schoolwork (exhibit A...), coordinating with friends, booking transportation, checking the weather, ordering clothes, or finding our soulmate. (or .ca for us Canadians) was a site created in August of 2000, and has since then had over 20 million members, with approximately 236 eHarmony members getting married every single day. I don't know about you, but I found this information shocking! With all the jokes surrounding online dating, I didn't know it could actually be such an effective matchmaker.
But all jokes aside, I think online dating, when taken seriously, can be a wonderful thing. With such a busy world that truly is (as i tried to illustrate in the examples above) connected at the hip to the Internet, what a better way to meet a potential partner. The technologies of matching personalities seem to work wonders, and I'm sure all the eHarmony love-birds would tell us so.
So what do you think? Would you ever create an online dating profile? Would you give love a chance to blossom via the Internet?